Monday, February 13, 2012

Making them.

So, I had seen this thing  that you could do with Popsicle sticks, so, knowing me, I tried it out. It really is fun and simple to do, but the last step is the best. 
Things you will need-
Fat Popsicle Sticks
A Pot
A Stove
Some Cups
A Coffee Cup (Optional)
For Decorating (Optional)-
Mod Podge
Scrap Book Paper
Colored Pencils
News Paper 
Old Comic Books

The Steps.
1.Put you sticks in a pot.Fill the pot with water about 3 inches high.Put you coffee cup on top of the sticks so they aren't floating all over the place.Put the pot on the stove and boil them, when the water starts to boil, put you timer on for 30 minutes.After the 30 minutes is up, take your pot off the stove and just let the sticks sit in the water for another 30 minutes.
2.When the sticks are finished, bend them into you cup; one stick per cup. (Helpful Hint-Put them in a small cup if you are going to paint them, because they will expand when they get wet.)Let them thoroughly dry over night.You can take them out of the cups when they are dry the next day. 
3.Now that they have dried, you will want to decorate them. I decorated mine with Scrap Book Paper, put on with Mod Podge. You can decorate them however though. My next entery will be on Home made mod podge.
